Thursday, September 28, 2023

Day 60 (Thursday)


Yesterday was a day with better self control.  I had a shake for breakfast.  Lunch was a grilled cheese with a slice of tomato.  I didn't stop at any fast food restaurants. I had a Picky Bar to tide me over for supper because we had to leave for Vespers before the Wednesday night spiritual discussion group.  I had a bowl of wheat Chex with strawberries and milk when we got home and one handful of peanut M&Ms.

As days go, that wasn't so bad.  I also closed all the rings for activity and exercise.

Khione is OUT of remission.  So we stopped the CHOP protocol since it doesn't keep the lymphoma at bay any longer.  I'm glad to see the end of Vincristine, which is the "A" of the A-B-A-C cycle as it tends to create the most disruption in her digestion/appetite.

Instead, we're doing something different that is only administered every three weeks, plus prednisone. Yay for prednisone!  I could probably go back in records that have yet to be filed and find out how that worked for Chariclo... Actually... I have it in email.

I found the discharge reports for Chariclo.  This protocol did not go well.  But Khione is a different dog and in a different state relative to the lymphoma.  Last Thursday she didn't feel great and I noticed one of her lymph nodes in her jaw/cheek/throat area was enlarged.  I gave her prednisone then and she bounced back.  

Today, I took all three for a walk in the woods with a couple other dogs, and Khione was completely fine -- full speed ahead, leading the way as we started out.  I didn't witness her bowel movement, and she didn't want HER breakfast, especially, but she begged for treats throughout the walk and she stole Mary's toast. I gave her anti-nausea meds.  

She is six years, five months and 17 days old.  She weighs 74.4 lbs.  So bizarre to think of her as being about 25 pounds less than Kepler.

Meanwhile... Today's food was two pop tarts for breakfast, salad with leftover pork from the Thai restaurant, and a 190-calorie cocoa almond butter biscuit.  I'm nursing a cup of tea in lieu of having any caffeine pills in my drawer.  I'm thinking supper is either veggie burgers with cheese or fake chicken patties on rolls.

Tonight we're going to the Manhattan Short Film Festival at the Shalin Liu, "forcing" Gillis to take the later train since we won't be able to pick him up after class.  He starts work next weekend if he can figure out all the paperwork.

The one thing about this new protocol means I have more time on Wednesdays.  I need to spend time in my home office dealing with things.  Lots and lots of things.

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