Monday, January 22, 2024


 I saw my doctor with three things... Sort of like my car -- when there are three things, it's time to take it to the shop.  One of the things was the ongoing weight struggle... Ovempic is scarce and TBH, I'd rather not.  But I was told about the non-FODMAP eating plan.  Here's a flyer: 

It's basically gluten free but also no onions or garlic, apples or bananas, milk, beans or hummus.

I can have all the Shrimp Paste I want!  WTH is shrimp paste?  I had a huge fit of the giggles in the grocery store as I had the food list in hand and saw that.

Certain vegetables, fruit and most meat is all fine.  Some other things are okay in moderation.  But eating this way is likely to induce weight loss as well as gut health (the point) just because finding something that's okay to eat will be so much harder.

Oh, and try to be vegan... REALLY creative.

The doctor prescribed visiting the nutritionist... First available?  Two MONTHS+.  I took it.  By then, I might be an expert just by doing it on my own.

Here's a blog of recipes that comply:

BTW, FODMAP is an acronym for Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, and Monosaccharides and Polyols.

This is an elimination diet -- so not meant to be permanent.  Lots of FODMAP-high foods are healthy, but the point is to figure out what's going on with your gut and intestines.  Once your gut/intestines are stable, then you try adding a food back in to see what happens.

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