Monday, July 31, 2023

Time to try again...

 I'm constantly bombarded with weight loss media... "Try this, try that"... And "it's impossible, you're menopausal, give up now!"

And that's been some of the problem... I did just give up.  And now I'm 183 pounds.  Which is potentially more than I was when 40 weeks pregnant.  I'm lugging around almost 60 extra pounds.  I *could* lose 60 pounds and be astonishingly thinner... And still not the lightest I've ever been.  60 pounds is a lot to contemplate.  One-third of my current weight?  Crikey.  I could talk myself out of trying.

But it's a Monday, so why not give it a go. Challenges?  There is SO much food in the world asking to be eaten!  Yesterday I accidentally made TWO cakes!  And it turned out yummy!  One of them is in the fridge to take to church Wednesday night.

How does one make a cake accidentally?  Well, the recipe called for a bunch of ingredients (as they do)... SOME of them were for the topping.  I went too far and dumped in a whole can of pineapple with juice that was supposed to be part of the topping.  Oops.  So, I ran up to the local market and grabbed another cake mix and more pineapple (so I could actually make the topping), added more eggs and oil, and made two cakes... It came out AMAZING.  And the single batch of topping was enough for both cakes.  It was meant to be a mandarin orange cake, but it became an orange/pineapple cake.  Even better!

I've tried a couple of different magic weight loss supplements.  I gained more weight.  The only thing that has ever worked was write it down.  So this is me.  Writing it down.  BORING.

So far today:

Shakeology with cocoa powder, banana and almond milk

One Picky Bar -- 200 calories, 10g protein.

Are we bored yet?  Yes.

This will jazz things up a bit... Here's my youngest.  He turned 19 on Saturday.

Where will he be in a little over a month?

Another Crikey-worthy thought!  I can't wait for him to BE there, to go to his first class, do his first homework, get his first feedback, and please, God, MAKE HIS FIRST FRIEND.  

In other news... BM status:  Check.  With urgency.  That was quite something.

Lunch plan:  leftover salad.  No protein on it.  Will add dressing.  

Managed to wait to eat lunch until almost 12:30 when I was genuinely hungry.  So much of the time I eat because the food is there and/or because I enjoyed the food. 💚 carbs! 💚 crunchy carbs!  Like, just because I had a giant shakeology shake doesn't mean I'm done -- where's the crunch?  I NEED CRUNCH.  So then something else has to be eaten.

Re-ordered a fridge for D from Home Depot after the first order was cancelled on me and then the fridge was out of stock at that retailer.  

The thing is that NOW I'm bored.  I'm almost done with this salad.  So I'm thinking three granola bar sandwich cookies would be a lovely dessert.  But if I can avoid eating the first one, that'll be the way to go.  I'm telling you this because it's Day ONE.  And I have a serious sugar addiction.  Which means I'm almost as desperate for cake, candy, cookies, cupcakes and ice cream as John Mulaney would have been for drugs.

2:32 PM Still thinking about food.  Managed not to eat anything.  Have started on my vitamins and Rx, etc. with my second can of fizzy water.  Including my first caffeine pill of the day.  Wanting to doze off.

Asked D if he thought a counselor might be a good idea.  He didn't want it to distract him or interfere time-wise with other interactions at school.  The sentiment is good at least.  People enjoy him, if you find the right ones.  A few thousand new ones ought to include SOMEONE who would find him hilarious. 

4:10 PM Almost to the end of the work day.  Still finishing up my supplements.  Have NOT eaten since lunch.  Do not currently know what is for supper.  That will be where this day of moderate eating goes to hell in a hand basket.

8:38 PM Dinner was a cheeseburger with mushrooms, lettuce, tomato and mayo.  I ate one fake chicken nugget when my parents called.  So the dogs got the rest of the chicken nuggets.  Oh, and one bite of hotdog.  After work, we walked the dogs to the field and then down to Millbrook Meadow and then home. Next up, order Duncan a pizza at Firing Up and then proceed to HW to pick up Gillis from the train station there.  
Right before bed, I sprinkled a little sugar on some tomato pieces.  THE END of Day 1.