Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine's Dogs

Scholar's mom asked what I was holding to keep them all so rapt and looking at me... Was it a cat, she said.  HA.  They're just good dogs and cheese was doled out afterwards.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Dog life in review...

Here's a few dog photos going back in time a bit...  December 16 was the Loaner Lab's FIFTH birthday... We have a little tradition of going for a nice walk with Scholar on her birthday and that day, it actually SNOWED a little.
Happy Birthday, Yellow Dog!

Miss Jago 

Tosca, Jago & Scholar

Scholar spent Christmas with us.  Her owner's mother is in declining health.  Also her owner had her leg broken for her by a group of playful dogs in the woods.  Scholar wags her tail to arrive and she wags her tail when it's time to go home.

Tosca, John & Scholar... Scholar wonders why everyone is on HER couch.
Thank you for sitting right there and providing the perfect pillow!

Miss Jago — her idea of "comfy" so she can keep an eye on things.
Tosca's idea of "comfy" looks a LOT more comfortable!

Tosca with snow smiles

Jago, ready to leap...

Should have had the wide-angle lens to capture a dog in every chair!
Biggest dog gets the couch!

Sharing the bed with John... Some body has to leave to make room for me!

Scholar sleeps in Ptolli's cave... 

I made that Amish White Bread last weekend... Truly it was OMG-worthy!  I will do THAT again.